In this Congress will participate outstanding scientists, as well as internationally well-established personalities who will present all the scientific up to date information and evolution in the Thermal Medicine while at the same time lectures, workshops and round table discussions will take place.
The 5th Panhellenic Congress of Thermal Medicine will take place in cooperation with the European University of Cyprus and will be co-organized with the Regional Governor of Attica Mr G. Patoulis, the Regional Governor of Central Greece, Mr T. Spanos, the Mayor of Kamena Vourla Mr J. Sikiotis, the President of the Congress Professor K. Kouskoukis and the Cultural Development Organization of Central Greece.
The therapeutic methods of Thermal Medicine are: external hydrotherapy (balneotherapy), drinking therapy, inhalation therapy, clay therapy, thalassotherapy, cave therapy and biometeorological therapy. Thermal Medicine, updated from the empirical state to the scientific one with evidence studies (evidence based medicine) in Greece beginning with the law 3498 (2006).
In 2015, the Hellenic Academy of Thermal Medicine was founded aiming to establish and update Thermal Medicine as a complementary therapeutic method, with scientific documentation of its medical applications. Furthermore in cooperation with the scientific societies of various specialties and the Institute of Scientific Research of Panhellenic Medical Association, where I am Vice President of the Health Tourism Committee, Thermal Medicine was established as Complimentary Medicine.
Thermal Medicine as a Complementary Medicine helps eventually not only the treatment, recovery and rehabilitation of physical, mental and spiritual health, but also helps the treatment of old age, by applying longevity and well-being standards, as preventive method.
Thermal Medicine has therapeutic actions in different diseases of myoskeletical, neurological, respiratory, cardiovascular, hematopoietic gastroenterological, urological and endocrine system as well as in dermatological, gynecological, allergic and otorhinolaryngologic ailments.
Determinant is the contribution of Attica Regional Governor, President AMA, ELITOUR, IHTC and Founding Member of the Hellenic Academy of Thermal Medicine G. Patoulis, in promoting and establishing internationally the Thermal Medicine. With his inspirational energy created the World Institute of Greek Physicians, formulating national policy for the revival of Hippocrates’s spirit establishing Greece to be prominent not only as therapeutic but at the same time as educational center of Hippocrates’s Medicine and Classical Medicine with holistic approach.
Encouraging is also the contemporary and technocratic perception and understanding of Tourism Minister Mr. T. Theoharis and Tourism D. Minister E. Konsolas concerning the financial evaluation of the establishment and promotion of Greece as Health Tourism destination, especially for elder people (silver economy), in combination with all thematic forms of tourism (clusters) inducing high added value and new jobs.