Christmas is almost here, the final decorating touches are taking place and what better than a house with the perfect holiday atmosphere. Probably the best way to achieve that Christmas atmosphere is by using candles.
This year, Mitsis Hotels expressed its gratitude to its guests for their continuing preference with different kind of gifts. One of these gifts that many of the Mitsis Friends Club members enjoyed was the handmade aromatherapy candle.
An all-time classic, unique gift, our signature-scent aromatherapy candle aspires to turn all the wonderful holiday moments our guests spent in our hotels & resorts, into cherished memories.
A candle’s power to turn even a bad day to a better one, bring up the holiday’s relaxation and create an elegant, refreshing ambience with its pomegranate scent, is unbelievable. You just need to light it and close your eyes, and you will be instantly transported to your dreamy destination! Especially during these festive moments, the burning candle will definitely light up your Christmas spirit and keep us connected, even during winter.
The Mitsis aromatherapy candle, with its elegant scent and gold details will definitely find the perfect spot in your house!