If you have the chance to decide in which area you will be staying, choose wisely! Even a short evening walk after your business responsibilities around your hotel might be a relaxing experience and a chance to blend with the locals. Sightseeing and dining are some of the activities preferred by bleisure travellers during their trips.
A good prior preparation plays a major role for a successful bleisure trip. Admit to yourself that you will not have enough time to see everything, so try to limit down your list to the most important worth-visiting places, which are in a reasonable distance from your hotel. When packing, choose outfits appropriate not only for your business meetings, but also for your urban explorations. Try not to overdo it!
Traveling is for many people one of the most enjoyable things to do. Vacation opportunities should not be wasted and a mix of a business trip with a leisure one seems ideal. Remember that when it comes to bleisure traveling business comes first, but try to get the most out of it!