For couples, it can be a day of worry related to “How do I find the card that’s just right, the gift that will express my love for my boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife!” For those who are single, it can be a day of longing, a day that can increase a sense of loneliness.
1. First, you have to love yourself
Most of us are so busy waiting for someone to love us that we’ve forgotten about the one person we need to love first- ourselves. You’re not perfect but be kind to yourself, learn to accept yourself, focus on your positive qualities and your admirable traits. Be willing to embrace your imperfections and excuse your bad days. Let go of harsh judgments and be gentle with yourself.
2. Be someone you would love
It is always easier to blame others. What’s hard is looking to yourself and realizing that maybe it’s you who needs to change. Before you have amazing relationships, you have to be someone you would love. Be the mother you would want. Be the girlfriend you would fall in love with. This is a lifelong process, the important people in your life will help you with if you are open to it. Stop focusing on others’ shortcomings so much and instead work on yourself.
3. Love deeply
Don’t hold back. Don’t hold grudges. Go all in. Don’t let past hurts prevent you from making new relationships or falling in love. Don’t be afraid to love deeply. Be open. Be brave. What else could be the better time to express your love than on this Valentine’s Day. Love is eternal and in its purest form, it is God. Do not stay back to say ‘I love you’.
4. Choose your important relationships
We should love everyone. An attitude of love to your fellow citizens is a great way to live your life. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone did this? However, this does not mean that you should open yourself up to being hurt over and over again. Choose the people who you cultivate important relationships with. If someone has continually been a negative influence in your life, or doesn’t treat you the way you deserve, then they should not receive the privilege of being one of your close relationships. Focus on the positive influences in your life. Love them deeply.
5. Love is work
Every important relationship in your life requires attention for it to grow. If you neglect any relationship it will decline over time. Being a giving and loving person takes a lot of intentional effort. And that’s something that you should be working on this year.