Plan your trip as early as possible and make your child looking forward to it, which can be very entertaining for you as well. Watch a movie taking place in the country you are visiting, try local specialties or learn a few easy words in the destination’s language.
Give freedom
While planning, don’t be a control freak. Let your child choose some of the activities you could do and adjust your schedule to your child’s preferences as well. We know that you might be interested in visiting numerous painting museums, however that could be a bit boring in a child’s mind. Maybe you could replace one with a chocolate museum or an adventure park.
Give responsibilities
Make your child feel responsible and mature. Let your child have its own suitcase and give a packing list and probably some packing tips. Of course you will need to be sure that your child will not bring swimming clothes to a skiing vacation or 15 T-shirts and no pants, but the feeling of trust that you will create will mean so much and have a huge impact to its future travel life.
Create memories
Don’t forget to take a lot of pictures and as soon as you get back tell your child to make a photo album to make sure the memories of the trip will not be forgotten. Let your child buy souvenirs for friends and relatives, as the enthusiasm while giving them is certain. Last but not least, buy a map and don’t forget to mark the places you have been together and make plans for the future destinations!