Enjoy your own company, do your favourite activities, watch your beloved movie and dance with your special song. Just take time for yourself and realise what you treasure most.
Travel once a year
Even though it may be out of your comfort zone, try solo travelling at least once! It will be a great self-love experience while you will meet new people and cultures.
Be fearless
Go straight ahead for all your life cravings. Do not let anyone or anything keep you behind. You never know what’s on the other side of fear.
Give yourself a break
Everybody needs a break from time to time. No one is completely perfect, so don’t push and expect yourself to be so.
It might sound obvious but taking care of yourself is really important for your confidence and mental health. Spend time to yourself, relax, meditate, workout, volunteer, learn something new. Whatever you love best.
Learn to say no
Sometimes we do too much for people, we are trying to please everyone, so we tend to stretch ourselves too thin. We can forget to look after ourselves sometimes, so that’s why it is good to say no.
Surprise yourself
Try things out of your control and say yes to things you would not normally say yes to. You may find out that you enjoy things you never realised or tried before. Try and get out of your comfort zone and see what happens!