Meanwhile, on planet Earth… Family holidays can be tricky and stressful. Airport queues, re-packing overweight baggage in front of hundreds of people, screaming children demanding God-knows-what-else, too much heat, tummy bugs, loud music you can’t stand, and your kids coming back for money…
Think simple and go light
Everybody can be mesmerized by exotic foreign lands and forget the factor of the lengthy, complicated arrangements that may occur. Choose a convenient beachfront destination to keep your kids entertained. Moreover, follow a simple rule – do not over pack – there is no need for that. One medium sized suitcase for each one is enough.
Be active, then enjoy and do not forget to relax
Make sure to combine your needs. Plan a program but not a strict one… Remember that you are on a total holiday mood. Satisfy your kids’ needs by trying new games, sports activities or something they may ask, then enjoy a good meal or a fine glass of wine and of course indulge in a rejuvenating spa session or a long sleep. You absolutely deserve it!
Embrace disappointment
Ups and downs will not be missed, that’s a fact! Do not let anything spoil your great mood and attitude. Mind them as a challenge and find alternative options when you go out of plan. You never know, it may lead you to an even better holiday!
Consider the holiday feeling
Apart from recalling peak moments, we tend to remember a holiday by how we felt at the end of it. So choose activities likely to deliver some truly special moments and end your vacation on a high, as this is what will determine the memory of that holiday experience.
Create the perfect family holiday!