But, let us give an insight straight from our fitness instructor, Nikos Vagatzounis.
Please Nikos, tell us a few things about the daily fitness program.
Nikos Vagatzounis
From 10.00 to 18.00 we offer 7 different fitness activities like Yoga, Pilates, Tabata, Cross Training, Stretching, Fitball and even Beach Boot Camp! There are activities for everyone regardless the age and the fitness level. Anybody can find something suitable for him/her.
I am aware about Yoga, Pilates and Cross Training, they are very popular, but what about the other activities?
Nikos Vagatzounis
Yoga and Pilates are the most popular, definitely. Tabata is a new trend in cardio/aerobic training. Cross is a combination of aerobic, strength, speed, balance and agility training. Fitball is working out with the big ball known as Fitball, Swissball or Stability ball. Beach Boot Camp imitates the military training, in fun way of course. It is actually a race with obstacles that the participants have to overcome by running, jumping, crawling and more.
It sounds to me like a famous Greek survival TV show.
Nikos Vagatzounis
Yes, you could say that.
Which is the guests’ reaction when they join in these activities?
Nikos Vagatzounis
The guests seem very pleased, and surprised, due to the variety and the quality of our service. I can tell this for sure because they come every day to the club, some of them twice or more per day!
How many guests participate in these activities?
Nikos Vagatzounis
The maximum capacity of the club is 8 to 10 people, depending on the activity. In Yoga and Pilates most of the times the club is full, for all the other activities there is an average of 6-7 guests. But I am very optimistic for the high season because our numbers are raising from week to week.
Thank you very much for your time Nikos, see you at the fitness club!