With gentle circular motions, apply the perfect “Visage Lait Timequillant face” lotion all over your face and neckline. Clean your face with a wet small towel and the eye area with cotton and the eau micellare solution product. Then dab the “Rosse Visage” lotion all over your face and neckline. Now it’s time to start exfoliating the face.
Depending on your skin type, use peeling vegetal or “Resurfacant”. Clean your face with a wet small towel and apply any mask you have at home, preferably the “Hydralgue Masque Rehydratant” and leave it on for 10 minutes. Then clean your face again with a small wet towel. Now, start with circular motions to apply the face serum, eye cream and finally the face cream.
The Phytomer products you will need are the following:
- 250ml perfect visage lait demaquillant
- 150 ml eau micellare solution
- 250ml rosse visage lotion
- 50ml peeling vegetal or resurfacant
- 50ml hydralgue masque rehydratant
- 30ml hydralgue face serum ultra hydratant
- 50ml hydra original crème fondante desalterant
- soleil crème spf 30 face & body
The advantages of this treatment are multiple due to the absolute similarity in the composition of seawater with the human body. Enjoy your shower using the oligomer sensation gelee de douche body shower gel. Rinse very well and then use the savon aux algues soap on the hips internally and externally, calves and abdomen. The combination of sea elements helps in the immediate fight against cellulite. Rinse very well and start exfoliating with gommage corps tonifiant. Apply the product all over the body in circular motions for 10 minutes. Then rinse well and apply the tresor des mers huile sublime oil on the body, face, and hair.
Before you go to bed, apply the celluli night coach together with the roulleau with ascending movements in the area of the hips – glutes. Leave it on and change it alternatively during the week, using the morpho designer product and the celluli attack product. The results are visible and immediate.
3. Treatment for swollen and tired feet
Use this water treatment to relax your swollen feet. Start peeling from the hips to the soles of the feet with the product gommage corps tonifiant with salts and essential oils. Rinse very well and after wiping with a dry towel, apply the special cool mask in the form of cryotonic gel from the soles to the thighs, which promotes microcirculation, strengthens the capillaries, removes fatigue, and rejuvenates.