The Guardian has put together a list of the world’s best drinks and Greece’s “Rakomelo” has been named as one of the top 10! Rakomelo is a local Greek beverage combining raki (traditional spirit of Crete) with honey and several spices, including cinnamon, cardamom and other regional herbs. This popular drink blends natural honey in perfect harmony with the strong raki spirit, while cinnamon and herbs add the finishing touch to an idiosyncratic and remarkable flavour.
It is a digestive spirit, high in powerful antioxidants and is traditionally used by many Greeks as a home remedy for a sore throat or cough.
The Guardian’s list includes the following drinks:
- Chacha, Georgia
- Grzane piwo, Poland
- Gløgg, Denmark
- Mumma, Sweden
- Jägertee, Austria
- Rakomelo, Greece
- Cola de mono, Chile
- Hirezake, Japan
- Jólaglögg, Iceland
- Mulled cider, UK
What is the recipe for this excellent drink?
- 100ml raki
- 35g honey (preferably not pine blurring and gives amber color)
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 3-4 cloves (studs)
Place the ingredients in a pot and boil them on a low fire, while stirring continuously. As soon as they boil sufficiently, turn off the hear and leave the rakomelo covered for approximately another 10to absorb the flavoring. Remove the cinnamon and cloves. Serve immediately or refrigerate in a bottle.
And do not forget, rakomelo is sipped hot!